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19 mei 2022


Vrijdag 17 juni: Intercultureel jubileumconcert! Paul Cherryseed viert 10 jaar als troubadour.

Dear friends, 

On friday the 17th of june I will have a very intercultural jubileeconcert where I celebrate 10 years as a troubadour. If you want to celebrate with me, that would be great. Go to

It’s folkpopgospel with influences from old gospel, Brazilian music and swing and instruments like Zabumba, Cavaquino (Brazil) Kamale N’Goni (Africa), Udu and of course accordeon. Stories with deep lyrics about hope and fresh news from heaven. With full international Dutch-Mexican-Brazilian-English band, including musicians that played at ICP: Ilse Roskam & Jonny Boston. It’s in Theater Bodegraven. 

Salute en shalom, 

Paul Cherryseed 

Please watch my video here…